Stan's Garden Center Customer Testimonials
When I first decided I wanted to “grow flowers” over 25 years ago, I went to Stan’s…and the rest, as they say, is history. The staff was always friendly and patient, especially when I knew the look I wanted but had no Idea what plants and shrubs to use to get it. If one employee didn’t know the answer to my never-ending questions, he or she could always point me to someone who did. I have learned so much from them over the years that my “English Cottage Garden” actually won “best of” one summer in a local contest. I have been to many other nurseries and greenhouses, but I always come back to Stan’s. They’re the best!
North East, PA

I love Stan’s Garden Center not only for their beautiful flowers but their amazing selection of outdoor merchandise. They have everything you need in one stop, from fountains, flags, bird feeders and many more outdoor decorations. The employees and owners dedicate themselves to making each customer happy and wanting to come back again and again. Without Stan’s my yard would not have made it into the local newspaper for my flowers. I have Stan’s to thank for that. Always a customer there, now and forever.
Julie Buchanan
Erie, PA

The reasons for purchasing your plants at Stan’s are many. First is the staff. They are friendly, helpful, and most important, knowledgeable about the needs of the gardener and what plants work best in which environments. I frequently describe the soil condition and sun exposure I’m working with and they have wonderful suggestions for plants that will work well in that garden.
I will describe to them the main focus of a garden I’m working on and they suggest accent plants that complement the focal plants I’m going to use.
Occasionally I will encounter a flower or shrub I cannot identify and will bring a cutting into the store and they have always been able to identify it. Whether you are looking for annuals or perennials they can help you find the best option for your need. Finally, if you are having a problem with a plant you have purchased and tell them the problem you are experiencing, they can offer suggestions to nurse it back to health.
Second is the selection. Annual or perennial the selection is large and the quantities plentiful enough to satisfy my needs. In the event they don’t have a particular plant I’m looking for they often have a suitable substitute. Furthermore each year they have new specimens to the gardening world. I especially like the fact that they will have several types of the same plant or variations thereof, so I can plant multiple plants of the same type but with different colors and size.
Third are the ancillary products they offer such as fertilizers, tools, pest control, etc.
If you have a problem –they most likely have a product to help you. I especially like a product they have called Bumper Crop. It is an enriched soil that I use to amend the soil every time I plant a tree or shrub and when I plant perennials if the soil is less than ideal.
Finally, the ease of shopping afforded by the large area dedicated to the plant inventory. I can take plants off the tables and lay out my garden or container and not be in anybody’s way even on a busy day. When it is busy they have several cashiers so check out delays are minimal.
PS: I like the loyalty program too. Plant a big garden in the spring and take advantage of the loyalty points to add to it during the redemption period.
Skip Hammond
Professional Gardener
Lawrence Park Golf Club
Lawrence Park, PA